

“Constrained” Writing / “Algorithmic” Writing

p5.js DOM Review

p5.js Loading Text (videos)

JavaScript String (videos)

Code Examples

Workflow (videos)


  1. Accept invitation to class Discord and Google Group mailing list.
  2. Read / watch

  3. Using a source text of your choosing, manually perform one of the “constrained writing” techniques described above (or one of your own invention!) Document your results online in whatever format you like—blog post, notion, p5 web editor, Glitch, GitHub pages. There is no need for programming for this assignment, it’s just about getting set up in an environment and starting to think about creative ways to play with text. However, you may choose to include animated or interactive elements if you like. Think about creative ways for the page to be “self-documenting”, i.e. instructions for the text mashup, references, etc. In case it’s helpful I talk through this assignment in an this now 8 years old 2016 A2Z Homework video.

(Please note you are welcome to post under a pseudonym and/or password protect your published assignment. For NYU blogs, privacy options are covered in the NYU Wordpress Knowledge Base. Finally, if you prefer not to post your assignment at all here, you may email the submission.)